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A playground for the children!

In October 2013, Adilia Mejia - an employee of Hi-Tech Edmonton - took part in an extraordinary mission to Hyderabad, India. Over a two-week period, Adilia and her fellow Calvary Community Church members helped to construct a playground for an orphanage as well as served in a camp for over 950 children.

Adilia and her peers from church organized many fundraisers in their community to be able to embark on this amazing journey. They also received support from the Emmanuel Foundation and Faith Welfare Society, who generously supplied the playground equipment, tools, as well as distributed various supplies to the orphanages.

Furthermore, Lata Lincoln of Hyderabad, also provided a helping hand in this rewarding project by hosting the camp for the children. Lata is responsible for the founding of schools, widows’ homes, and orphanages in the area, including the one Adilia spent her time at.

This endeavor that Adilia and the Calvary Community Church members took on is truly inspirational and extrememly altruistic. Hi-Tech Seals is proud to have such a generous and thoughtful employee as part of our team! Congratulations on your tremendous efforts in changing the lives of women and children across the globe!

A truly inspirational expedition...