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Indentifying Your Mechanical Seal

The illustrations below demonstrate the correct procedure of measuring and properly identifying a mechanical seal that is best suited
to the application of your needs.

  Compare and identify seal Head Type from the Head Type list.

  Compare and identify Seat Type from the Seat Type list.

  Measuring the I.D. (inside diameter) of your seal:   Measuring the O.D. (outside diametere) of your seal:

  Measuring the height of your mechanical seal:

  • Types A & B:
    Measure height of seal Head = OP HT x 0.73

  • Types C, D, E & U:
    Measure spring and seal Head / 2 = OP HT

  • Types K, R, S, T, V:
    Measure both seal heads and spring x 0.5 = OP HT

* Please note: Do not include seat height measurements.

  Through a process of elimination, match the types and measurement gathered in steps 1 – 5 to determine mechanical seal part number from size chart.